Comparison of Java Versions as of June '23


A Comprehensive Comparison of Different Java Versions with Code Examples



Java, as one of the most popular programming languages, has evolved significantly over the years. Each new version brings exciting features and improvements, enhancing developer productivity and application performance. In this blog post, we'll explore and compare different Java versions, along with code examples to showcase the key features introduced in each release.


1. Java 8 - Lambda Expressions and Streams:

Java 8 was a game-changer with the introduction of lambda expressions and the Stream API, enabling functional programming paradigms in Java.


Code Example - Lambda Expression:

List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

numbers.forEach(n -> System.out.print(n + " "));


Code Example - Stream API:

List<Integer> squaredNumbers =

                                      .map(n -> n * n)


2. Java 9 - Modularization with Jigsaw:

Java 9 brought the concept of modules to Java, introducing Jigsaw to modularize applications and improve maintainability.


Code Example - Module Declaration:


module com.example.myapp {

    requires java.base;

    requires java.sql;

    requires java.xml;

    exports com.example.myapp.logic;


3. Java 10 - Local Variable Type Inference:

Java 10 introduced the `var` keyword, enabling local variable type inference, reducing boilerplate code.


Code Example - Local Variable Type Inference:

var message = "Hello, Java 10!";


4. Java 11 - HTTP Client API and Nest-Based Access Control:

Java 11 added the long-awaited HTTP Client API, along with nest-based access control for private members.


Code Example - HTTP Client API:

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();

HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()





HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());


5. Java 14 - Switch Expressions:

Java 14 introduced enhanced switch expressions, offering a concise and flexible alternative to traditional switch statements.


Code Example - Switch Expressions:

String day = "MONDAY";

String typeOfDay = switch (day) {

    case "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY" -> "Weekday";

    case "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY" -> "Weekend";

    default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid day: " + day);



System.out.println("Type of day: " + typeOfDay);

6. Java 17 - Sealed Classes and Pattern Matching:

Java 17 introduced sealed classes and pattern matching to improve code maintainability and readability.


Code Example - Sealed Class:

sealed interface Shape permits Circle, Square {

    // Common methods



final class Circle implements Shape {

    // Circle-specific implementation



final class Square implements Shape {

    // Square-specific implementation


Code Example - Pattern Matching:

public void processShape(Shape shape) {

    if (shape instanceof Circle c) {

        // Handle Circle specific logic

    } else if (shape instanceof Square s) {

        // Handle Square specific logic

    } else {

        // Handle other shapes




Java has continuously evolved to meet the changing needs of developers and applications. Each version introduced new features and enhancements, empowering developers to write cleaner, more expressive code. By staying up-to-date with the latest Java versions, you can leverage these features to build robust and efficient applications.

Remember, this blog post provides just a glimpse into the features of each Java version. It's always beneficial to explore the official Java documentation and experiment with the latest releases to harness the full potential of the language. Happy coding!


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